AblePay Health members can save up to 13%
ACMH is partnering with AblePay to help you manage out-of-pocket medical expenses, saving you money and time!
As an AblePay member, you have flexible payment options on every ACMH bill and the full support of AblePay billing experts if you have a question.
AblePay Health members can save up to 13% on their out-of-pocket medical expenses (copays, deductibles, and coinsurance).
To begin enjoying the benefits of your
Enrolling is simple and within minutes you will
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Q: How can there be No-Cost or No Interest Charged
A: We assist medical providers by helping reduce their
Q: Is AblePay insurance?
A: No, it is entered as secondary insurance only for the
Q: Do I still receive my Explanation of Benefits
A: Yes! You will still receive your Explanation of Benefits
Q: Can I include my spouse and children under my
A: You can include anyone under your account that you
Q: Is AblePay HIPAA compliant?
A: Yes, AblePay is HIPAA compliant and takes the
Q: What do you do with my payment method
A: The data is tokenized in order to process payments
Q: Can I use AblePay for Dental/Vision/Rx?
A: We are unable to provide savings on these services